Wednesday, December 25, 2019

My Religion Essay - 684 Words

My Religion What religion am I? In my life, I have been told many things about my religion. My mother is a Roman Catholic, while my father is Jewish. I have learned about both religions, and I have tried to practice both as best I could, but I am now faced with the decision; which one am I? Christians believe that Jesus is both God and man, incarnation of God, and man -gives man two natures, physical and divined that they are united in one person. Thus the mystery of God becoming a human being, Jesus, and suffered and died, and Mary (Jesus mother) was the mother of God. God resolved himself to mankind in 3 ways, as God the father, God the sun and the Holy Spirit. From this we can see that Christianity is based on the†¦show more content†¦His or her life is structured from birth to death, through, the sacraments weekly worship, daily prayer and the promise of eternal life. Judaism is the complex expression of a religious community, a way of life as well as a set of basic beliefs and values, which is separated in patterns of action, social order, and culture as well as in religious statements and concepts. The ideal is to remember God in everything one does, through prayer and keeping the commandments. There are many spiritual practices that the Jewish people follow as a reminder of their faith and as a way to engage all the senses in awareness of God. Some of these scared practices include: circumcision, Sabbath, eating kosher foods, and Bar Mitzvah. Of all of the commandments in Judaism, the brit milah, is probably the one most universally observed. It is commonly referred to as a bris. Even the most seculars of Jews, who observe no other part of Judaism, almost always observe these laws. Boys are ritually circumcised when they are eight days old, to honor the seal of Gods commandment to Abraham. A person who is uncircumcised suffers the penalty of ka reit, spiritual elimination. Sabbath is the most important ritual observance in Judaism. It is primarily a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. The Jewish Sabbath runs from sunset Friday night to sunset Saturday night. Observant Jewish families begin the Sabbath eve with a special Friday night dinner. The woman of the house lights candles to bring inShow MoreRelatedMy Views On Religion And Religion945 Words   |  4 Pages Religion has always been a thought-provoking topic to me and learning about religions other than my own is important because we live in an amazingly diverse country and world. My knowledge as of the present day is limited, but I am eager to further expand my understanding and knowledge about my own religion while learning additional facts and characteristics about those with which I am less familiar. I am unquestionably open to finding out about religious experiences that are new to me. 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